What is media change?

A particular point I would like to highlight for my final blog is the abundance of change within the media over the last 5-10 years. Actions that used to takes hours to perform can be done in minutes and things that would usually take minutes now takes seconds. What am I talking about? Well a […]

Creating a new reality… an Augmented reality

Hello again. Today I’m talking about something I found really quite interesting this week in our classes discussion; augmented reality. For those of you who don’t know, Augmented Reality basically merges information or images with video streamed from a webcam. This can be considered a step beyond data mash-up. The result is similar to virtual […]

You learn something new everyday…

Lance Strate clearly illustrates a definitive meaning of  Media Ecology in his overview “The study of media environments, the idea that technology and techniques, modes of information and codes of communication play a leading role in human affairs.” This particular idea struck me, because as as well as it being true in modern day society, it is also becoming increasingly prominent […]


My Name is Olivia and I’m a third year student studying Media at The University of New South Wales and this blog includes my notes and thoughts in relation to one of the courses I’m currently studying ‘Advanced Media Issues’. In our first week we questioned ‘what is a media event?’ resulting in some interesting […]