There is more to media than meets the eye

An interesting point I found to be educating whilst i read through the prescribed readings for this week (based around the idea of ‘Media Ecology’) is the hard evidence towards the idea that individuals who hold power throughout the media on an international scale can also reflect the authority they hold over the general population and society as a whole. In other words the key individuals within the media ecology have the largely influential ability to sway people’s opinions and gain their support.

Proving my point is Forbes’ 2012 list of the most influential people in the world, within this category the names of Presidents, Kings, Prime Ministers and governing heads of state heavily saturate the top 20, although something that stood out to me was Bill Gates (Microsoft Billionaire) in position number#3 overtaking the likes of the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI. Also in #20 the Co-founder of Google Sergy Brin, and Google CEO Larry Page tied to secure a sport within the top 20 clearly proving the point that above significant and power political people of importance, other individuals who govern the way in which we interact with technology have the authority to dramatically alter our perspective.forbes

Another interest point pointing towards the trend towards power held through control of the media directly falls under the #25 and #26 positions which are held respectively by Mark Zuckerberg (Founder of Facebook, social media giant) and Rupert Murdoch (Chairman and CEO of News Corp.). Not only is Zuckerberg essentially the youngest individuals on the top 100 most powerful people but to have established and internationally recognised brand within the space of 8 years enticing over a billion users towards your application is a clear demonstration of how someone, no matter their status or age has the potential to control the media ecology of the world.


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