Creating a new reality… an Augmented reality

Hello again. Today I’m talking about something I found really quite interesting this week in our classes discussion; augmented reality. For those of you who don’t know, Augmented Reality basically merges information or images with video streamed from a webcam. This can be considered a step beyond data mash-up. The result is similar to virtual reality but uses real-world images in real time. This technology can be applied to some of the many potential revolutionary applications in education, including the study of architecture, art, anatomy, languages (Yang, J. and Chen., et al. 2010), decoration, or any other subject in which a graphic, simulation or 3D model could improve comprehension. Augmented reality could also be used together with QR codes in books to create augmented books in which images or simulations could complement the book content (Martin, S. and Diaz, G., et al. 2013).

I think the reasons behind why I found Augmented Reality so intriguing is the infinite number of possibilities it creates for the future, not only for education purposes but for other uses within society. For example, Applications created from the perspective of a tourist or someone travelling in an unfamiliar area could inform the user where they are, what’s going on around them, upcoming events, reviews of restaurants in the area etc. the possibilities are limitless. Imagine never getting lost in a city. Imagine always being able to identify a tree, flower or insect while walking in the woods. Imagine looking into the night sky and being able to point out every planet and star. Imagine pulling up recipes and cooking instructions without ever needing to use your hands.


The growing numbers of innovative applications created by AR enthusiasts not only create new exciting ways in which people can explore new things but they also enable individuals to gain access to this information quite easily making it accessible for anyone who is interested who is equipped with mobile technology.

Back to my initial point, is the great advantage AR has for individuals in regards to its engaging capabilities associated with education. Along with the constant evolving forms of technology, the education sector is always looking for new ways to engage students and make learning an exciting and interesting process, and I believe AR could have an extremely positive impact upon the ways in which educators or even individuals teach themselves new knowledge and ideas.


Through researching further into the evolution of augmented reality I found that students learning through AR will first utilise handheld devices, but will switch to some form of glasses later on (Scholl, T. (2012). The continued refinement of voice recognition software will then make this a hands-free technology and down the road, the technology in these devices will likely be implanted. Therefore eventually we will be able look at people, animals, and real life objects and immediately pull up a wealth of information to explain everything we observe. This tool could revolutionise the attitude towards learning, leading individuals to become more excited in regards to doing their homework as the new methods created continue to make learning an enjoyable experience


-Yang, J. and Chen, ., et al. (2010) Computers & Education – Integrating video-capture virtual reality technology into a physically interactive learning environment for English learning. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 1 May 2013].

-Scholl, T. (2012) Teacher Cadet Technology: Augmented Reality & Education. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 1 May 2013].

-Martin, S. and Diaz, G., et al. (2013) Computers & Education – New technology trends in education: Seven years of forecasts and convergence. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 1 May 2013].

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