
My Name is Olivia and I’m a third year student studying Media at The University of New South Wales and this blog includes my notes and thoughts in relation to one of the courses I’m currently studying ‘Advanced Media Issues’.

In our first week we questioned ‘what is a media event?’ resulting in some interesting thought processes and discussions. We looked into the idea that media events were hard to define (other than something with a beginning and an end) because the specific ‘event’ itself are hard to determine due to their ongoing nature and constant “changing of change”, this idea was something that became clear within discussions between classmates. Evolution is a key feature related to the inevitable change throughout history, and with the involvement of media becoming larger and larger it pushes for more change.

A key example would be my own introduction to a smart phone. In reflecting on this example it is interesting to ponder over how different my life is now with the introduction of technology and how dependent I have become upon it as time passes. When iPhones were first introduced I didn’t see the need to have one over a regular more-basic phone, I hung out with people who literally could not go anywhere without having their phone with them or would frantically search for the nearest charger to prevent the battery from dying and thought it was a bit over the top…. little did I know I was soon to join this craze. Once I upgraded from a basic Nokia to a smart iPhone I then learned the depth of what it could be used for and how great it really was.

In this example I drew a few conclusive thoughts in regards to media events. Through using an event such as an introduction to a new technology, it can dramatically alter you lifestyle. Along with your personal learning, context is crucial. So along with personalising the way in which you learn it will help you to retain information better, this idea can also relate to such media events in saying that through their personalisation they can make you more organised, and efficient.


Through these two videos; one promoting an old Nokia phone and the other an evolution of iPhones, you can noticeably tell the huge change technology has evoked upon each of our everyday lives whether it be directly or not through the well-known media event ‘Introduction of the smart phone’.

Until next time…

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